Tuesday 2 December 2014

Landed Safe and Sound!

After a long 30 hours of travel, I finally touched own at Hannover Airport at about 9:30am and was greeted by a smiling Johannes waving a sign with my name on it :)

Anna (14) and Marie (11) got the afternoon off school to come and see me which was really nice. Anna and I took their dog, Ronja, for a walk to get some things from the shops. We went to a bread shop and a meat shop. It all looked so tastey! It was freezing on the walk and the temperature was -2 Degrees - only a tad colder than Auckland! When we got back we listened to Christmas music and she made us some Chai Lattes.

Johannes is trying to help me learn German and told me that the only way my German sim card for my phone will work is if I speak and type in German, otherwise it will explode. It's really nice because the family has a very similar sense of humour to us so it's easy to get along with them. Carolina and Johannes have been so lovely and are always making sure I feel at home and welcome.

Tomorrow, Carolina is taking the day off work to show me around Hannover which I'm looking forward to. The day after that (Wednesday) will be my first day of school. I need to catch the tram/bus for half an hour to get there with Anna and Marie. I will be in a class with other people my age and some other exchange students are due to come soon :)

Hannover is so beautiful with so many old buildings and streets. Very close to our house is the Tiergarten which is a wildlife park with lots of deer and other animals running around. It used to be the King of Hannover's private hunting area.

Anyway, I need to get some sleep now, I can't wait for the next few days and all the new things I'm going to see!

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