Thursday 18 December 2014

Week 3!

Hello everyone :)

I can't believe I'm into my third week here! I feels like I've been here for much longer. Last week I didn't get up to too much as I had a cold - I think it was most-likely because of the temperature change coming from New Zealand's warm weather to the cold here! I was well looked after though with Carolina and Johannes making me honey drinks and topping up my tissue supply.

In the weekend, Carolina's mum, Doris, and her boyfriend came over for lunch. She was so lovely and bubbly and I'm so glad I met her :) We had a traditional German winter meal - it had rotkohl (red cabbage that was hot with a yummy sauce), a chicken dish with bacon and seasoning, and POTATOES (I've noticed that German's love their potatoes)!

I am planning to contact the local Rotary group and ask if their are any other exchange students in the area because it'd be nice to have someone to chat to in English and is experiencing similar things as me. It'd also be a good chance to find a friend to explore Hannover with! :)

I've booked all of my tickets to visit my friends which I'm so excited about!! My host-family has also surprised me with a Christmas present to Berlin, and a Birthday present to Paris!! I'm so grateful and excited to explore a little snippet of Europe!! :D

The view from my window :)

Christmas cookies that Anna, Marie, and I made.

A huge Christmas tree in a mall in the city.

This is my route when I go for walks with Ronja :)

Ronja's so cute and well-behaved :)

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