Saturday 6 December 2014

First days of school and weihnachtsmarkt!

On Wednesday I had my first day of school at St. Ursula's. It is really different to school back home and seems a lot more difficult. Each lesson is an hour and a half long and not all subjects are on one day. 70% of the students' grade is based on their contribution in class which means no one is slacking off and when the teacher asks a question everyone's hands go up. All the subjects are compulsory which means I have to take, Maths, English, German, Physics, Biology, Religious Studies, P.E., Political Studies, and History. I can't understand most of what anyone is saying in class so I just end up working through my exercise book that helps me learn German. I had sports on Thursday and we had to do high jump. Some of the other girls and I in class weren't the best at it so we just had a laugh while doing it. English is a good lesson because the class is forced to speak English the whole time which is nice, and I just end up helping my friends with their work.
The people in my class are really nice and try to include me in their conversations. Today in our break I went to a cafe with three girls in my class which was a nice way to get to know them more and warm up! A South African boy is joining our class next week so it will be nice to be the only one that can't speak German!

I have been to the Christmas Markets (weihnachtsmarkt) twice now and they are so cool!! All of the stalls are built like little wooden huts and they sell everything from crafts to yummy food. Everyone is in the Christmas spirit and everywhere you go there are people playing music either on violins or piano-accordions, so it always feels like you're inside a Christmas movie. I tried my first Glühwein
 at the markets. This is a traditional German Christmas drink that is made of hot wine, rum, spices, and juice and it warms your whole body up! I have had so much tasty food from the markets (including my first German soft pretzel)! I even tried sauerkraut - which I must say I'm not a fan of. It is pretty much pitch black by about 5:30pm so it makes it even prettier to walk around the markets in the dark with all the fairy lights.

 A massive Christmas tree in front of the big church in Hannover.

 Trying my first Glühwein!

 A big display in the city.

Marie, her friend, and I went for a ride on the merry-go-round :)

 One of the medieval streets in Hannover - there aren't many left here because most of them were destroyed in the two World Wars.

 My street :) The tram stops not very far from the house so it's easy to get around.

First snow of the year!! (There wasn't very much but snow is snow so I'm not complaining!)

I love and miss you all and can't wait to see you again!!

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